A Teenager’s Guide To Trying a New Sport

August 26, 2020

Let’s face it – as fun as it was to be Messi in Fifa 19 or playing Pubg, after five months of quarantine, your thumbs need a break. By now, you’re ready to switch from the couch to a coach and play some real sports.

If your usual sport isn’t allowed yet, now is the time to take a chance and try something else. It’s not always easy, but if getting active again means that you’re giving a new sport a go, it’s totally worth it.

To make your first lessons even more successful, some of the best coaches in Abu Dhabi put their heads together to come up with these essential tips. Follow them and you’re guaranteed to have a good experience.

  • Stay Positive.

    Keep an open mind and be willing to accept that things might not happen as planned.


  • Be friendly.

    Make fun and socializing a priority during lessons.


  • Relax!

    Nobody is going to get hurt when you make a mistake, so let go of the pressure to do well.


  • Go easy on yourself.

    You’re learning a new skill and there is no need to set your expectations high.


  • Have patience.

    Getting things right takes time. Awesome if you’re actually good in your first lesson, but stick with it for enough time to improve.


Be brave and let’s go! Whether you register for tennis lessons, learn to cycle or try any other sport, any great sports academy will put you in a position to do your best. You’ll be learning with teammates in the same situation and you’ll all be better for putting yourselves out there.